Whatsapp Privacy and Policy  New Privacy and Service and Update .

Whatsapp  Updated Privacy policy .Or Terms and Service  that Revealed Information Including data begin shared with parent Company Facebook On February 19. Whatsapp Announced  to Start  Showing In -App notification  Related to the newly updated  Privacy and Policy  .the Whatsapp Platform hope to educate User about .how to data are shared to the parent Company Facebook .the Whatsapp has Already Started Showing In-app notification to Some user in India .the Platform Has Also  Reavel  That the  New Updated Whatsapp Privacy and Policy will come into Effect from May 14, 2021 .this Expected  to Hit all in India with The Next Software Update .So Ensure to First Update the  app from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store

Whatsapp Will Now push out Banners to provide more Information On its Privacy and policy Which came Under Fire amid user .Whatsapp has Since Put Out Several Blog Post to Clear the confusion .the Company Has Emphasized that  personal Message will always be end to end Encrypted . Primarly This Data will be Used by the whats app  For targeting  Ads on Facebook ,through Interaction with Bussiness might Have the same protection of Course  Chatting With a Bussiness Accountant is optional  .Whatsappfor Android Including New Banners That the Messaging app Is planning to Push out Soon .Whatsapp Also Provide ScreenShot of Whatsapp banner will Took Like . a Small Banner that read We 're Updating our Terms and Service OR privacy and Policy Tap to Review Will pop up that the user Can click on to read More About Whatsapp privacy and policy Please Accept these Update gto continue using whatsApp after this Date its mentioned